Generating invoices using the Smartcat Template Engine

Smartcat allows you to generate invoices in PDF format. For this purpose, you can use the standard template or create your own templates using the Smartcat Template Engine technology. It can be used to create a single template for all clients or individual templates for each client.

Below is the data model used to generate invoices in PDF format. These objects and their respective fields can be used to develop custom templates using the Smartcat Template Engine technology.

General invoice details
Field name Data type Description
Number string Internal invoice number in Smartcat’s system
ExternalNumber string External invoice number
DateSent DateTime Invoice date
DatePaid DateTime Payment date
Currency string Invoice currency
TotalCost decimal Total cost of all services listed on the invoice
AccountId string Invoice creator’s account ID
IsPaid bool A boolean value indicating whether the invoice is paid. Returns true if the invoice is paid.
PaymentReceiveDestination   A method of receiving invoice payments. Returns Balance (1) if the Smartcat balance is selected as the preferred method or ExternalBankAccount (2) if the company’s external bank account is selected as the preferred method.
TotalCostDescription string Total cost of all services spelled out in Russian (for Russian users)


Below is an example of how to use the Invoice object:

Invoice No. <<[Invoice.Number]>>

Invoice date <<[Invoice.DateSent]>>


A collection of objects containing information on services added to the invoice
Field name Data type Description
Cost decimal Service cost
Currency string Service currency
JobServiceType string Service name
ProjectName string For services created based on a quote, this field contains the project name as well as the source and target languages. For other services, it contains the description of the service.
IsInternalJob bool Service type. For services created based on a quote, this field returns true. For other types of services, it returns false.


Below is an example of how to use the InvoiceJobs collection:

<<foreach [job in InvoiceJobs]>>



<<[job.Cost]>> <<[job.Currency]>>



Company details
Field name Data type Description
Id string  Details ID
Name string  Details name
Beneficiary string  Beneficiary
AgentReportContactPerson string  Contact person’s name
LegalAddress string  Registered address
Vat string  VAT number or other tax ID
CountryCode string  Country code
BankName string  Bank name
BankCode string  Bank code
Swift string  SWIFT code
BankAccount string  Bank account number
AchRouting string  ACH routing number
WireRouting string  Wire routing number
TransitNumber string  ABA number
RegistrationNumber string  Registration number
BankCorrAccount string  Correspondent bank account number
BankCorrBankEn string  Correspondent bank
BankCorrBankRu string  Correspondent bank in Russian (for Russian users)
Iban string  International bank account number (IBAN)
BankAddress string  Bank address
Kpp string  KPP number (for Russian users)
Bic string BIK code (for Russian users)
SignerFullName string Signee’s full name
SignerPosition string Signee’s position


Below is an example of how to use the VendorLegalEntity object:


<<if [VendorLegalEntity.LegalAddress != null]>>




Customer details
Field name Data type Description
Name string  Name
LegalName string  Legal company name
Address string  Customer's legal address
Website string  Customer's website
Industry string  Customer's industry
Vat string  VAT number or other tax ID
Kpp string  KPP(КПП - only for Russian legal entities)
Country string  3-letter country code
VendorManager string Your manager who works with a client
Language string Language for communication
Comment string  Comment taken from a client card
ContactName string  Primary contact's name
ContactEmail string Primary contact's email

Below is an example of how to use the Customer object:


VAT number / Tax ID:




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