How to use Smartcat AI Actions

Smartcat AI Actions are automatic intelligent prompts that you can apply to your translation, either in part or for all of it. Action prompts are “Rephrase”, “Shorten”, “Fix punctuation”, “Translate”, and “Fix grammar”. 


These AI Action prompts apply the following rules instantaneously to the translation segments that you highlight inside Smartcat Editor:


  • Rephrase: Change the phrasal structure of your sentences
  • Shorten: Make your translated text shorter
  • Fix punctuation: Correct any punctuation mistakes in your translated text
  • Translate: Translate the text to the target language
  • Fix grammar: Correct any grammatical mistakes in your translated text


You can access AI Actions directly inside Smartcat Editor via the top menu. 

How to use AI action inside Smartcat Editor


  1. Click the purple lightning bolt icon on the top menu
  2. Highlight the segments to which you want to apply an AI Action edit
  3. Click on the AI Action that you want to use. You can also use multiple AI Actions and click them as many times as you want.

Configuring your own AI Action

After connecting the OpenAI GPT key, you can create your own AI shortcuts for the Editor. On Smartcat, these shortcuts are called AI Actions and are accessible via a lightning bolt logo in the Editor toolbar. This workflow can be viewed in the clickable demo below:

Here are some examples of AI Actions that you can create (just a little taste of what you can do!)

  • Change grammatical gender
  • Change direct speech to a male or female perspective
  • Rephrase or shorten your translation
  • Rephrase the provided text (to sound natural for Japanese/Korean/Chinese teens etc.)
  • Adjust the length for translations
  • Adjust the translated text to match the length of the source language text
  • Rephrase translated text
  • Remove formatting
  • Shorten sentences
  • Translate for different reading comprehension levels
  • Transform numbers to words
  • Change units of measurement, such as numbers, currencies, and distances
  • Adjust the tone of voice to fit the context, such as conversational, witty, edgy, or friendly

Project managers who also learn more about configuring AI translations and AI actions in Smartcat Editor.

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