Create custom project properties in Smartcat

Custom fields is a feature exclusively available on the Unite and Enterprise Smartcat subscription plans. You can use custom project properties – or custom fields – for a variety of super-useful purposes in Smartcat.

Popular use cases:
1. As a "product mapping" tool for generating reports
2. For the New Branded Custom Portal – our order management solution
3. To display additional information on projects, linguist profiles and linguist clients. 

Getting up and running with custom fields

Follow these steps to get up and running with custom fields for your Smartcat projects.

Step 1: Create custom fields

Creating custom fields is available for workspace admins.

  • Log in to your Smartcat account > select a workspace
  • On the Home page, click on Workspace settings in the navigation menu

Choose custom fields in the top left menu.



You can create custom fields for projects, freelancers’ profiles, vendor profiles, and clients.



Step 2: Configure your custom fields

Let's quickly go through the process of configuration, which is made up of four short sections.

i. Projects

Click Add field for project

Fill in the following information

Label: custom field name

ID: It can be the same as your customer field name


There are 2 types of custom fields: a text field (user can enter text in it) and a drop-down menu with different values to choose from

Custom fields will appear in projects > Settings > Additional Information

ii. Freelancers

Click Add field for freelancer

Following the same steps, you can create custom fields that will be displayed in freelancer profiles

Open a linguist’s profile from your Team members list > Additional Information:

iii. Vendors

Click Add field for vendor

Following the same steps, you can create custom fields that will be displayed in vendor profiles

Open a vendor's profile from your Team page > My vendors > Additional Information

iv. Clients

Click Add field for client

Following the same steps, you can create custom fields that will be displayed in client profiles

Open a client’s profile from your Home page > Clients > Additional Information

With the information in this article, you should now be able to create a wide range of custom properties for your Smartcat translation and localization projects! 


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