Excel files uploading settings

Generally, processing files using CAT tools required the users to copy and paste content from file to file if only some rows or columns needed to be processed. Smartcat simplifies the process greatly and eliminates the need to prepare files in advance. If you click on an Excel file that was added in the first step of the project creation process, these options will be shown on the right side:

(1) You can choose to split segments based on Sentences or Cells.

If a cell contained the following content — Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet. And you were to choose the “Cell-based” option, you would end up with one segment in the editor:

Lorem ipsum. Dolor sit amet.

Whereas, if you chose the Sentence-based option, the content would be split into 2 segments:

  1.  Lorem ipsum.
  2. Dolor sit amet.

It is generally better to segment by sentences as it is more helpful to your Translation Memory to have smaller segments because you will have fewer matches to entire paragraphs than you would with smaller sentence segments.

(2) This option will tell Smartcat whether to parse the Excel spreadsheet horizontally (by rows) or vertically (by columns)

(3) Determines if the sheet names are included in the document upload.

(4) Determines if the hidden cells and sheets are included in the document upload.

(5) Determines if the header and footer content is included in the document upload.

(6) Determines if the comments are included in the document upload.

(7) Determines if the graphics are included in the document upload.

(8) Determines if the test from shapes are included in the document upload.

(9) Determines if the nested presentations are included in the document upload.

(10) If you select either the “Upload selected ranges” or “Do not upload selected ranges” you are presented with more options.

In this section, you can decide exactly which portions of an excel file are uploaded or not to the project. To select columns, enter the names of the first and last columns you need, for example, A:H. To select rows, enter the names of the first and last lines you need, for example, 1:50. Or you can use a combination of the two. For instance, if you wanted to translate a document that had columns A-Z and rows 1 through 100 but you wanted to omit column B you would apply the following rules:

If you had selected “Do not upload selected ranges” the only column that would be included in the upload of Sheet1 would be column B. You can also create rules for each of the sheets in your excel file.

And you can apply separate rules for each sheet.

Here, in one sheet column, A would be processed and in the other, it would be column B. Smartcat gives you a lot of flexibility to deal with Excel files — no need to hide columns or copy and paste the content to be translated.

In Smartcat, there is also an option to work with multilingual Excel files that allows translating source text to several target languages in other columns within the same file. If you want to learn how to work with such files, please send us a word to our support team.

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