Why a freelancer’s profile may be hidden from the Marketplace

As part of our commitment to match Smartcat customers with providers of high-quality services, we reserve the right to hide a freelancer’s profile from search results on the Marketplace if that freelancer has received two negative customer reviews addressing the poor quality of their work. This measure may also be taken against freelancers who have violated Smartcat’s Terms of use.

If you believe your profile has been hidden from search results in error, you can appeal by sending an email to search@smartcat.ai.

Freelancers whose profile was hidden cannot receive invitations to new projects from Smartcat customers.

However, they’re still able to:

  • Work for clients who previously hired them and are satisfied with the quality of their work
  • Use the Editor to work on projects they got from customers outside of Smartcat
  • Invoice their current clients
  • Receive payment for projects they have completed

The restriction will be lifted if we review the appeal and find that the negative reviews were unfounded.



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